Why is photosynthetic function in Opuntia taken over by flattened stems? How is this helpful?

Dear Student ,

Opuntia is a xerophytic plant, which means it grows in hot and dry conditions.

In order to avoid excess water loss and to reduce the rate of transpiration the leaves are modified into spine.

This modification helps to prevent water loss, but these leaves modified into spine also can't perform photosynthesis.

Hence the function of photosynthesis in Opuntia plant is performed by the stem which is thick, fleshy, flattened and contains chlorophyll and can also store food.

Ruchi Bhatt

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Answer: Opuntia is a xerophytic plant, in which leaves are modified into spine to reduce the rate oftranspiration and they do not perform the photosynthesis at all. So function of photosynthesis in Opuntia plant is performed by stem which is thick fleshyand flattened structure containing chlorophyll and stores food.
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