Why is soil considered as a Resource ? Explain with five arguments .(5marks question)

Dear Student,
Soil is Considered as a resource because :
1. Soil satisfy our needs for living and vegetation.
2. It is a renewable resource and present abundantly in nature.
3. It supports different living organisms on Earth.
4. It supports plant's growth.
5. Soil provides various minerals and nutrients to plants and animals.

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Resources are a function of human activities. Human beings transform material available in our environment into resources and use them. Soil is also a resource.It is the medium of plant growth and supports different types of living organisms on the earth. The soil is a living system. It takes millions of years to form soil upto a few cm in depth. Relief, parent rock or bed rock, climate, vegetation and other forms of life and time are important factors in the formation of soil. Various forces of nature such as change in temperature, actions of running water, wind and glaciers, activities of decomposers etc. contribute to the formation of soil.
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