why is that the organ can't be taken from anybody

we can take organs from a known person who is free from from diseases but an unknown may have diseases so we cant take organ from anybody so it is also recommended by doctors
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organs can be taken from an appropriate donor. this can happen only after confirming the donor is free from infectious diseases that pass through blood like AIDS and also after acwuiring a correct graft match ie tissue and blood grp match , otherwise the organ might be rejected by the recepients body (graft rejection).
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1 Secondary SchoolBiology 15 points Why is it that the organs cannot be taken from just anybody? What is it that the doctors check? Ask for details Follow Report by Kaushik6377 28.06.2018 Answers Me · Beginner Know the answer? Add it here! Panduser Panduser Virtuoso Every individual has am immune system that protects the individual from the entry of pathogens or harmful microorganisms that can diseases. This immune system identifies the microorganisms as foreign bodies and kill them by a collective effort. In case of organ transplantation, similar thing happens. When an organ is introduced in the recipients body, his immune system thinks that the cells of the donated organ are harmful foreign bodies and thereby reject them. This is why organ transplantation fails most of the time. However transplantation from identical twins have higher chances of success as both their immune systems are identical and the transplantation goes unnoticed by the body immune system
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