why is the reflex actions is done by spinal cord and not by brain ? please explain it with a diagram?

Dear Student,

 There are many situations which require immediate action without thinking about it  for long,  in order to prevent further damage such as removing our hand on touching a hot object. So, in such situations, rapid reaction can be obtained by sending signal only to spinal cord and getting the response from it as soon as possible. ​No time is wasted  by sending signal to brain for filtering and analysis in such situations. Such involuntary actions are called reflex actions and they are governed only by spinal cord.

The automatic action or response provoked by a stimulus is known as a reflex action. The reflex actions, however, show sudden responses and do not involve any thinking.

Hope this information clears your doubts about the topic.

Keep asking!!


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Reflex action means sudden , unconsious action against the stimuli.for example if we touch a hot flame , we suddenly take our hand off , if we wait for the information / message which comes from brain is very slow and our hand will be fully burnt when message reaches to our brain.so to avoid this our body is designed in such a way that message will go to spinal cord and it reflects message back to the receptor and then message will pass to brain and we are luckily saved by reflex arc
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