why naphthalene balls become smaller gradually

Napthelene become smaller gradually due to the process of sublimation(a process in which a substance changes its state from solid to gaseous state without passing through liquid state). The reduced part has been sublimated.

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Napthalene sublimates even at room temperatures hence napthalene balls become smaller by the day

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due to sublimation. The heat present in air changes it directly to gaseous state.the vaporised part reduces the size of naphthalene balls . And they become small gradually.

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due to sublimation.from solid state they directly change into vapour

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they sublime
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naphthalene balls which are in solid form gradually convert into gas due to process of sublimation.
sublimation is a process in which solid material convert into gas.
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yes it becomes smaller because they get sublimated which means becomes gas directly from solid 
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because it sublimes
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This is because naphthalene balls sublimes at room temperature and becomes smaller each day... 
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Due to the process of sublimation
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Fractioning column provides surface for the vapours to cool andcondense repeatedly.
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Because they change directly from solid to liquid by the process of sublimation
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It is because of sublimation.Naphthalene balls directly turn into gaseous state without going through the liquid state.Hence,their size eventually decreases
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Because these sublimes and it is slow process on room temperature.
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Due to sublimation
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napthalene balls are highly volatile in nature. so they sublime even at room temperatures due to which they become smaller in size.
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They are directly made from solid to gaseous state and when it come into the cotact of room tempreture it get sublime by the process known as sublimation.
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the napthalene balls goes under the process of sublimation and with the period of time all the particles of naphthalene balls gradually diffuses into the air and since after a period of time the napthaleneballs become smaller and smaller
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the naphthalene balls goes under the process of sublimation and after a long period of time all the particles of napthalene balls start diffusing in the air and since after a long period of time we will found that there the napthalene ball are going smaller and smaller
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Napthelene balls submile and became smaller
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Napthalene balls becomes smaller after kept some time because of sublimation
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case of kinetic theory
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Naphthalene balls are solid and they changes into gas directly on heating this process called sublimation
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APPARENTLY THE first time pass karucha mo husband janinebe because of the largest number which exactly what is the difference between them and beautiful =Beautiful jagannath!Good Morning
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