why should we save forests?

There are many reasons as to why we should save forests like:

humans derive countless direct economic benefits from forests like food (cereals, pulses, fruits), firewood, fibre, construction material, industrial products (tannins, lubricants, dyes, resins, perfumes ) and products of medicinal importance.  

Nobody knows how many more medicinally useful plants there are in tropical rain forests waiting to be explored.

It is also the home of diverse wildlife which maintains the ecosystem.

There are other intangible benefits – that we derive from nature–the aesthetic pleasures of walking through thick woods, watching spring flowers in full bloom or waking up to a bulbul’s song in the morning. 

The ethical argument for conserving forests relates to what we owe to millions of plant, animal and microbe species with whom we share this planet. 

We need to realise that every species inhabiting the forests has an intrinsic value, even if it may not be of current or any
economic value to us. 

We have a moral duty to care for their well-being and pass on our biological legacy in good order to future generations.

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we should save forests bacause they are help in avoiding flood.the trees that are found in the forests absorbs the water from flood and the trees also inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen that's why they are a big help to us

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Most people are too busy with their own little lives to realize what is going on in the environment and eco system and it's important we look up information on the Internet to be aware of what we should fight for as far as clean air and keeping our forests and animal life safe and healthy. Nature is a delicate balance and everything has a use to keep that balance. 
Because of poor air quality in many cities in the world there are more cases of asthma, allergies and much worse diseases. If we don't keep enough trees our air will never be clean because trees filter out the pollutants in the air. They provide shade from the sun and food for animals. If we don't protect one specie of animals or mammals then the whole chain of events is unleashed. Trees help in maintaining the co2 level of atmosphere as they observe co2 and give out oxygen.

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