Why there cannot be four bonding between two carbon atoms?

Dear Student,

There cannot be four bonding, i.e. a quadruple bond cannot be formed between two C atoms, because the C2 molecule formed is considered unstable.
There is no explaination as to why this bond cannot be formed according to the Lewis Theory as the octet will be completed in this case.
However, valence bond model says that C2 cannot exist  because C doesnot have enough atomic orbitals pointing in the right direction for bond formation. 
Molecular orbital theory supports the formation C2 which exist in vapour phase only.

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Basically, the orbitals that allow for single, double, and triple bonds between carbons to not have to bend very much, but the last orbital which would allow for a quadruple bond would have to been too far, so it makes it impossible for carbon to form a quadruple bond with itself.
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Because nucleus can not hold shared electrons.
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