why unlike charges attract each other????

Hi Lakshmipriya!

A charged body has an “electric field” around it. The electric field is the region around a charged body, where other charged particles experience a force. Electric field lines originate from the positive charge and terminate on the negative charge. When two charges come close, the field lines interact. As a result, if the charges are unlike, the field lines combine together and give rise to the attraction between the charges. If the charges are of same polarity, the field lines are moving in opposite directions and give rise to the repulsive force between the charges.

@ Aish and Aneeta, good effort!! Keep writing!!


  • 3
Unlike charges attract because the excess of electrons from  unlike
the negatively charged object want to get to the positively
charged object. They will also try to go to an object with no
Unlike charges attract because the excess of electrons from  unlike
the negatively charged object want to get to the positively
charged object. They will also try to go to an object with no
Unlike charges attract because the excess of electrons from  unlike
the negatively charged object want to get to the positively
charged object. They will also try to go to an object with no

Unlike charges attract because the excess of electrons from  unlike

the negatively charged object want to get to the positively

charged object. They will also try to go to an object with no


  • 2
It's because of the electrons. Electrons would prefer to be as far apart from each other as possible, so if you have 2 things with negative charges the electrons will repel in order to get away from the other electrons. Unlike charges attract because the one with the positive charge wants electrons and in a way tries to steal them from the one with the negative charge. This makes them come together.
  • 1

thnk ya sir

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thanks sir........

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