Will electron not flow through monkey?

Will electron not flow through monkey? Ina zoo, the åii?bY actaiiö. slightly touches naked wire of highvoltage WhäiåVill .hapø:ento the cage? Willbe. *the ' eit ht dub wire. . note caoew)l! benn pall. ppntact between the flar e tential: „yevéi,thé hol , ge&v'jtl the.sam d'" åhd;

Dear student,
The electrons will not flow through the monkey, because as the cage comes in contact with the high voltage wire, it will gain a high potential. Since the whole cage will carry the same potential, then no current will flow from high to low potential or vice versa, therefore electrons will also not flow through monkey and it will be safe.

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Iron is a conductor
​and the monkey is in contact with it
​thus the monkey will get electrocuted
​But the electrocution power will vary from copper as copper is a good conductor becuz of its less resistance
​                                                                                  and Iron is a conductor becuz of its more resistance
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