would you be able to suck juice with a drinking straw on the moon ?give reason?

No, because we can only suck juice with a straw because of atmospheric pressure. There is no atmospheric pressure on the moon.

  • 7
Because when you drink through a straw you are not actually sucking the liquid up. 
You are creating a low pressure area inside the straw and the liquid is forced up from the outside high air pressure into the low air pressure area inside the straw. 
Since there is no air in space. Drinking through a straw is impossible.

hope it helped! :)
  • 14
When air is sucked out of a drinking straw, the air pressure inside it decreases and the atmospheric pressure outside forces the liquid to go inside the straw. And on moon, there is NO AIR and NO ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE.
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  • -2
No, because we can only suck juice with a straw because of atmospheric pressure. There is no atmospheric pressure on the moon.

  • 2
Because the pressure inside the straw is less than the air pressure outside, the liquid is forced up.So, on moon, no air, so no air pressure
  • 1
No, because we can only suck juice with a straw because of atmospheric pressure. There is no atmospheric pressure on the moon. These why we can't suck juice with a straw.
  • 0
my answer is dog,
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