Write a brief note on citizenahip rights and responsibilities

Dear student

Rights are those conditions without which an individual cannot develop to the fullest extent possible. The following rights are available to a citizen:

a. Right to vote
b. Right to freedom of speech and expression.
c. Right to form groups and associations
d. Right to profess and propagate one’s religion
e. Right to participate in the political affairs of the country.
f. Right to Contest elections


There are some responsibilities and duties that the citizens are expected to discharge. They are:

  1. The citizens of India are expected to be abide by the Constitution and respect all its ideals. Likewise, the citizens are expected to respect the National Flag and the National Anthem.
  2. The noble ideals that inspired our freedom struggle have to be cherished and followed.
  3. The sovereignty, unity and integrity of India needs to be upheld and protected.
  4. Citizens should be ready to defend and render national service towards India.
  5. The spirits of common brotherhood and harmony have to be promoted by all the citizens wherein they need to transcend all forms of diversities pertaining to religion, language and region. All the practices that are derogatory to the dignity of women have to be renounced.
  6. India has a rich, varied and composite culture and one needs to preserve it.
  7. Natural environment including the forests, lakes, rivers and wildlife are expected to be preserved by the citizens.
  8. People of India are expected to develop within themselves humanism, scientific temperament, and spirits of inquiry and reform.
  9. Public property is expected to be safeguarded and violence needs to be avoided.
  10. People are expected to strive for the excellence of all the individuals and collective activities to help in the development of the country.

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