Write a dialogue between2 friends in which they converse about the importanc following traffic rules regulationsand what safety measures they should take to remain safe. Writeat least5dialogues for each character

Dear Student,
Given below is an outline that you are expected to work on, as this is a creative writing task.
  • Sheetal: It is alarming to see the increase in road accidents and the number of people violating the traffic rules.
  • Neetu: Yes, these days people get their license through wrong means too.
  • Sheetal: But, that takes the lives of innocent people.
  • Neetu: Even a pedestrian on the footpath is not safe because of the  reckless driving.
  • Sheetal: One should be very careful and alert while on the roads.
  • (Continue based on your imagination)
​​I hope you find this outline helpful. Kindly post your questions on the forum to get attention from our team.                               
Thank you. 

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