Write a note on three orders

Dear Student,

The three Orders that shaped European history were the :

The Clergy:
a. The Church occupied a pre dominant position in the European society. 
b. The Bishops , clerics were headed by the Pope and they were not dependent on the king.
c. The church had its own laws, collected its own taxes , it also collected tithe that  is ​1/10th of share from peasants.
d. The Bishops owned large land and were very influential.
e. The Christian society also had monks who lived an isolated life in monasteries.

The Nobility:

a. The nobility enjoyed enormous power and controlled land.
b. The feudal; society followed an age old custom called the vassalage, whereby the nobility were the land owners and the vassals of the king.
c. This section of society enjoyed several privileges, power and controlled each person working on his land.
d. They had power to issue coins and had power to raise their army.
e Then there were also a separate group of knights who were involved in local wars.
f.They were granted land by the lord in lieu of the services they provided.

a. They constituted the majority in the society and were the cultivators.
b. Peasants also rendered services to the lord –by working in their houses and fields –, they also served in the army and were involved in construction of buildings and roads,
c. The peasants also paid Tiths which was the tax levied by the church .
d. The serfs were bound to render services to the loads and pay taxes and dues.
e. Thus the European societ was based on strict social stratificaion and wsa hierarchial in nature.



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