write a story on the basis of begning linegiven below there lived a group of monkeys in the mountain during one winter there were heavy rains. drenched In The Rain they begin to Shiver in the cold

Dear student,

Such questions are meant to test your writing skills and should be attempted on your own. However, these points might help you elaborate: 
  • There lived a group of monkeys. One day, there were heavy rains. Drenched in the rains, they began to shiver.
  • Just then, two priests passed by the same route, they stopped by, when they saw the monkeys shivering so badly.
  • The priests were apprehensive at first to go closer as they were scared that the monkeys might attack them.
  • But then, they remembered that love and humanity were great virtues which could win over any evil and went ahead to help the monkeys.
  • They took out two sheets from their bags and wrapped them around the monkeys.
  • They tried to be friendly with them and led them to a safe spot.
  • They also fed the monkeys with whatever food they had and after ensuring that the monkeys were in a better state they went their way...
We hope that this answer solves your query.

  • 4
write your own story
  • -4
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