Write adaptations for Indian elephant??

Ears- Asian elephants live in warm tropical areas, but they do not have sweat glads. One way they cool down is by flapping their ears to fan themselves. Their ears are like built in cooling systems.Teeth- Asian elephants typically go through 6 sets of teeth in their lifetime. Because these elephants are?herbivores?and eat tremendous amounts?of?fibrous?plants, the constant chewing wears their teeth down.?Trunks- Asian elephant trunks are used in a variety of ways to help them adapt to their environment. The trunk can be used as a cooling system to squirt water on their backs or to spray dirt on their skin to prevent sun burn. The trunk is also used to lift or move large objects. Lastly, the trunk is used to feed the elephant by picking up plants and bark off of trees.?Communication System- Asian elephants make a wide range of sounds including grunting,?trumpeting, and growling. These low-pitch sounds are called infrasound and some of the sounds cannot be heard by humans. The sounds are used for various reasons from greeting each other to showing happiness or a asserting dominance. But the most important use of these sounds is for warning the herd of danger.?Tusks- The ivory tusks of the male Asian elephant are used for many useful tasks. They can be used for digging waterholes, removing bark from trees, uprooting trees, and using as weapons.

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