Write in brief about the the island of laputa?

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Laputa was a kind of floating island. When Gulliver stepped on to the floating island, he was surrounded by a kind of crowd of strange lookinf people. Their heads leaned to one side, either left or right, while the eyes pointed in different directions - one turned inwards, and the other upwards. Their clothes were decorated with figures of musical instruments and celestial bodies like the moon and stars.The people had short attention spans and were busy with their own thoughts, so there were servants carrying 'flappers' which were used  to remind people to to listen, speak or watch his steps while walking.The island was circular. Rain water collected in a crater and was distributed so that it did not overflow. The limited movement of the island as decreed by the king also prevented the fall of unwanted due or rain. In the center of the island was a deep canyon, from where the astronomers went down to a cave, filled with variety of astronomical instruments. The most important was a loadstone, like a natural magnet, which was used to keep the island movind, and also to raise or lower it. The movement was related to earth's magnetic poles, and was limited - Laputa could move only up to the boundary of its dominions, and could not rise above the height of four miles.
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