write the main charteristics of tropicl decidious forest

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Forests in which majority of trees lose their vegetative parts, such as leaves, after a particular season are called as deciduous forests. A deciduous forest supports diverse ecological types. Plants usually grow in the warm temperate climate with abundant moisture and produces new leaves and flowers in spring. In summer, long trees support the growth of shade-tolerant trees and plants by casting their shade. Leaves fall off in autumn and provide required material for decomposers, soil bacteria.

A food web is also known as food chain. A food web explains predator-prey relationship and energy transfer from one level to next level in a given ecosystem. It shows how different living organisms are dependent on another species in an ecosystem for their food requirements. A food chain always starts with Autotrophs (plants) and may end with carnivores or decomposers depending on the type of ecological system.

Because of unusual weather conditions in a deciduous forest, both plants and animals will have to undergo certain morphological and physiological modifications in order to sustain varied weather conditions and to maintain their body requirements during the period of deciduation. Hence the food web in a deciduous ecosystem is not like regular food chains.

Also referred as "Temperate deciduous forests" are found in temperate regions of North central Europe, Eastern Asia and Eastern United States

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In southern hemisphere in Australia and New Zealand.

Tropic levels in deciduous forest food web

Deciduous forest food web broadly contains following four tropic levels.

Producers: Producers in a deciduous forest food web consists of fruit producing trees, fungi, nematodes, and different types of soil bacteria. Ocassionally a deciduos forest food web contains open places where grass plans and shrubs grow and constitutes primary producers.

Primary consumers: Primary consumers in a deciduous forest food web consists of rodents, insects, birds and occasionally deers and other herbivores.

Secondary consumers: Secondary predators in a deciduous forest food web comprises of carnivores and small predators like birds, opossum, foxes, etc.,

Tertiary consumers: a deciduous forest food web ends with omnivorous large predators like bears.

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