Write the nutrition process of amoeba?

this is a two mark question. Whether we should draw diagram of amoeba for this question

The mode of nutrition in Amoeba is holozoic. It consumes the food with the help of a finger like projection called pseudopodia.
Solid food particles are ingested which are then acted upon by enzymes and digested. The pseudopodium engulfs the food particles and forms a food vacuole around the food particle. The food is then broken down to simpler particles inside the food vacuole.

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1) ingetion

2) digestion

3) absorbtion

4) assimilation

5) egestion

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First of all, the pseudopodia cover the food particle.

A food vacuoleis formed .

Then the food is taken in through it.

No need of a diagram for it.

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See if you are not able to explain properly..... you can always take the help of the diagram.

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