xylem transports sap upwards only whereas phloem transports food in both directions. why do you think there is a difference ?

A tissue called Xylem acts as a pipeline and take water and minerals from the roots up the stem, and to the leaves for photosynthesis. So xylem transports water and minerals in upward direction only.

Special types of tissues called phloem carry the prepared food which has to be transported in all directions. So phloem transports prepared food in all directions.
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Xylem transports and stores water and water-soluble nutrients in vascular plants. Phloem is responsible for transporting sugars, proteins, and other organic molecules in plants. Vascular plants are able to grow higher than other plants due to the rigidity of xylem cells, which support the plant.
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Xylem transports sap upwards only whereas phloem transports food in both directions. ... Xylem and phloem are important because they transport substances to plants. Xylem transports water and nutrients from the roots to all the parts and phloem transports food from the leaves to all parts of the plant.
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