You recently visited a village for your cousin's wedding narrate your own experience of attending a wedding in the village how was it different from a wedding in city

Dear student
Such questions are made for enhancing self-creative skills and should be attempted on your own. Here are a few points which will help you in framing your answer:
1. It was the first time I had attended a wedding in the village. It was far from the pollution in the cities. I tried some unique dishes.
2. Weddings in villages are different from those in the cities. In villages, weddings are conducted at home or a temple rather than in hotels. Food and sweets are mostly home-made. In villages, weddings are less expensive. In cities, weddings are considered as an indication of the wealth that a family possesses but it is not the same in villages.
3. The happiness and joy are the same whether it is a village or a city. I completely enjoyed this experience.

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