Your friend sahil is almost addicted to computer and this habit of his has started affecting his health especially his eyesight. His parents are also concerned about his addiction. Write an article on the proper use of computers by students.

Dear student,

Such questions need to be attempted on your own and thus, we would recommend that you write this answer on your own based on the points provided here:

- Technology has permeated all aspects of our lives.

- Tablets, ipads, computers, laptops and smart phones have children addicted to screens.

- The radiation emitted could leave the brain dull and reduce its analytical abilities.

- Mathematical calculations using own intellect practically are become a thing of the past.

- Over dependence on technology reduces the skill to deduce and reach a hypothesis.

- Lack of physical exercise leads to diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart ailments.

-  Decreases socialisation and social interactions that leads to poor interpersonal skills.

- Increased usage could lead to cancer and brain tumour.

- Eyesight of children is definitely affected by overuse of computers.

- Judicious use of computers with adult supervision is the demand of the day!



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