Your mother has promised to buy you a new tablet computer if you achieve a good result. Explain your anticipation in a diary-entry while waiting for your result and thereby a tablet.


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Saturday, Oct 12, 20xx

10 P.M.

Dear Diary,

My mother has finally promised me a tablet on achieving good result. I can’t believe I will have my hands over that ravishing white beauty that I always dreamt of. God, please let the result be out quickly. I will not wait for a single moment after the result comes out to get my lovely tablet PC.


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Saturday, Oct 12, 20xx

10 P.M.

Dear Diary,

My mother has finally promised me a tablet on achieving good result. I can’t believe I will have my hands over that ravishing white beauty that I always dreamt of. God, please let the result be out quickly. I will not wait for a single moment after the result comes out to get my lovely tablet PC.

SandeepKumar Dash

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