your school is situated near a road intersection.last week,in the morning, a bus coming at a great speed overturned when it braked suddenly.senior student of your school rushed out and did everything to save the were part of the rescue efforts.write a report in 150-200 words on the accident and your friends role,for your school are george/mary

Such questions are meant to test your writing skills and should be attempted on your own. However, these points might help you elaborate:

- I witnessed an unfortunate accident that happened right outside my school last week.
- As were getting ready for assembly, we heard a terrifying sound of screeching brakes and tyres and a loud 'thud and crash' after that.
- Many of us, including senior students, rushed out to see that a bus had overturned in front of our school gates.
- the guard told us that it had been speeding and the driver had lost control of the vehicle.
- We saw shards of broken glass all over the road and heard the cries of passengers after that.
- led by some senior students, we all helped out on the rescue: pulling out passengers, offering them water, assisting them to our school nursing room.
- We even made phone calls to their family members from the school office.
- the role played in all this by our School Captain was inspiring: he soothed and calmed the hysterical passengers, organised food and water for them, guided us how to contact their family members.
- Finally, the police personnel, medical teams and other related authorities took over the rescue efforts.
- But, our efforts helped save many a lives!

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