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Gender, Religion and Caste

Patriarchy and feminism

The first one that we will be discussing is Gender
You  must have heard this term but surely must be wondering what is the difference between sex and Gender. 
Let us discuss this in greater details.

Sex is actually the biological male and female divisions of a species especially as differentiated with reference to the reproductive functions. 

Then what is Gender? This must be question flashing across your mind. 
Gender you can say is moe of a social term as it is used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones, unlike sex. 

Gender is socially created. It defines the kind of roles that are expected from the sexes. 
Like there are certain traits that are attached to the females. They are percieved to be submissive, dependent, soft and fragile.  On the other hand, men are thought to be aggressive, independent and tough. 

Even the kind of work that both the sexes carry out are based on the pre-concieved notions of the society. 
Like women are percieved to play roles confined to looking after house hold. They are expected to take care of children, clean the house, wash utensils etc. On the other hand men are suppo…

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