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Energy that Transforms

  • Magnetite is a rock that has the property to attract objects made of iron.
  • The substance that can attract iron, cobalt, or nickel is known as a magnet.
  • Magnet was discovered by a shepherd named Magnes around 2000 B.C. who lived in Magnesia, Greece.
  • With the passage of time, people learned to make magnets from iron pieces. These magnets are known as artificial magnets.
  • Materials that get attracted towards the magnets are the magnetic materials.
  •  Materials that do not get attracted towards the magnets are the non-magnetic materials.
  • Pin-holders, screwdrivers, refrigerator stickers, junkyard cranes, etc. consist of magnets.
  • There are two poles of a magnet – North Pole (N) and South Pole (S).
  • A large number of iron filings stick at the two poles …

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