a person is standing on a road with his open umbrella at 30 degree with vertical to save himself d starts running from wetting . then he throws his umbrella and starts running at 5kmperh now he find that raindrops are hitting his head vertically .find the speed of rain drops w.r.t road and the moving person

Let the velocity of the man w.r.t. road = Vm,g  Velocity of rain w.r.t road = Vr,g  and velocity of rain w.r.t man = Vr,m­


Vm,r = 5 kmph

θ = 300

From the figure

Vm,g = Vr.,g sin300

=>  Vr,g = Vm,g/sin300

=> Vr,g = 5×2 = 10 kmph


Vr,m = Vr.,g cos300

=> Vr,m = 10× √3/2 = 5√3 kmph

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