state laws of static friction

Laws of friction are 

1. The force of friction is directly proportional to the normal reaction.

2. The force of friction is independent of the apparent area of contact.

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Physics 101 wisdom suggests that we need to overcome the static friction force, Fs, to initiate the lateral motion of one solid body over another one and that a force greater than the kinetic friction, Fk, is required to maintain the gliding nature of the contact. To drag a solid through a fluid, no such threshold forces exist. Many scientists are therefore tempted to conclude that a smaller force is required to push a large cruise ship through still waters than to slide a salt shaker over the dining table, provided that time is not an issue. The potential pitfall in this reasoning stems from the difficulty of clearly distinguishing a pinned from a sliding state, which makes it difficult to determine a precise value for static friction. Extremely small sliding velocities may remain unnoticed, because the distance that a supposedly pinned solid displaces within a day or even a year is below the detection limit of the experimental apparatus. A problem with static friction is that it may be conceptually ill-defined. First, Fs is not single-valued even if the materials in contact, the load, and a potentially present lubricant are well specified. Instead static friction is known to depend on the age of the contact (the increase is logarithmic in time over a broad range of contact ages) and the rate with which the shear stress is increased. Second, static friction may not even be static. Transient creep-like motion, difficult to detect at the macroscopic scale, can take place before the rapid slip event (1). To probe the fundamental laws of static friction, one therefore needs to study extremely small sliding velocities vs. Going down to vs slightly <1 μm/s for a paper-on-paper system, Baumberger and coworkers (2, 3) showed that creep occurs in those systems during the stick phase, although the lateral forces were well below Fs. In this issue of PNAS, Yang, Zhang, and Marder (4) push the envelope even more slowly and manage to resolve sliding velocities down to 10−5 μm/s. Their analysis of this experimental data in terms of a rate and state model for friction suggests that slip precedes static friction and furthermore confirms the expectation that creep takes place at shear forces much below the static friction.

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The generalized answer is: Friction is equal to the forces acting upon an object.
I know only 2 laws of friction.....The first states that friction between two surfaces is proportional to the force pressing one another am assuming its normal force or the perpendicular force.
The other states friction is independent of the contact area. That is, the friction is the same whether the brick is on its large face, the smaller side or the small end. Hope this is accurate.

  1. When an object is moving, the friction is proportional and perpendicular to the normal force (N)
  2. Friction is independent of the area of contact so long as there is an area of contact.
  3. The coefficient of static friction is slightly greater than the coefficient of kinetic friction.
  4. Within rather large limits, kinetic friction is independent of velocity.
  5. Friction depends upon the nature of the surfaces in contact.

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  • The maximum force of static friction is independent of the area of contact.
  • The maximum force of static friction is proportional to the normal force i.e., if the normal force increases, the maximum external force that the body can withstand without moving, also increases.
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