What is entropy ?? What is the third law of thermodynamics??

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The entropy of a system is the measure of degree of randomness or disorderliness in the system. It is a thermodynamic property and is denoted by the symbol S. For e.g. a gas is more random than liquid which in turn is more random than solid. Thus entropy for solids, liquid and gases follows the order:


The particles of solid are orderly placed in their position, thus the entropy is minimum in solids. As the randomness in the position of the particles increases from liquid to gas, the entropy also increases. Thus, solids have lowest entropy as the particles of solid are orderly arranged and have very least random motion. Gases have highest entropy as the particles of gas are disorderly arranged and move about very randomly.  

When a system undergoes a change from one state to other state, change in entropy takes place which is denoted by symbol ΔS. We have the following relation


where q is the heat absorbed when the process is carried out reversibly and isothermally. T is the temperature.



This is the law which defines absolute zero as the condition for an entropy of a system to be zero.

The third law of thermodynamics states that at absolute zero (0 K or -273.15 oC), the entropy of a perfectly crystalline substance is zero.

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Entropy is the quantitative measure of disorder in a system. The concept comes out of thermodynamics, which deals with the transfer of heat energy within a system.

The SI units of entropy are J/K (joules/degrees Kelvin)


The third law of thermodynamics states that:
“The entropy of all the perfect crystalline solids is zeros at absolute zero temperature”. The third law of thermodynamics is also referred to as Nernst law. It provides the basis for the calculation of absolute entropies of the substances.

LimT –>0 S = 0

If the entropy is zero at temperature T = o, then this law states that the absolute entropy Sab of a substance at temperature T and pressure P is expressed by the following expression:
SabT∫0 (δQ) rev / T

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