Subject: English, asked on 15/8/15

Use a s many prepositions as possible to complete the story

…………………. a deep forest ………… two monkeys named Chullu and Nandu …………..brothers.
Their mother was old and sick . Everyday ……………..go ……………… to fetch the tastiest fruits and roots
………………ailing mother .

One day , a hunter ……………… saw their mother ……………… sleeping ……………..their home .
…………………with his bow and arrow ……………….the old monkey .
…………………… Chullu jumped …………… requested the hunter ……………….kill him ……………… his mother.
The hunter agreed …………………..killing Chullu ………………..his promise and once again ………………the old monkey.
……………………Nandu leapt ……………….his palms …………………..; ………………. Requested the hunter to kill ………………..
The hunter agreed ………………….arrow …………………..Nandu’s chest . ………………….hunter was a liar ……………… shot an ……………….. mother and ………………..too.
Picking the ……………………and slinging them …………………..back, he turned his steps ……………..home .
Feeling brave …………………. Killed ……………….in one day, ………………… planning …………………his tale of valour …………………. And neighbours . ………………………… his way ……………… the news ……………. His hut had caught …………… and burned …………….killing his ………………….son .

Subject: English, asked on 22/12/12

Subject: English, asked on 16/9/12

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