1 A person suffering from high blood pressure is advised to take less amount of table salt why
2​Give reasons for the following : (a) RBC swell up and finally burst when placed in 0.1% NaCl solution.
(b) When fruits and vegetables that have been dried are placed in water, they slowly swell and return to original form.

1. As the salt concentration in blood increases the water will move towards the blood cells and the volume of blood will increase.  when the volume of the blood increases, so does the blood pressure. Heart does the extra work to pump the extra volume of blood . In this way extra salt in food enhance the blood pressure and it is risk for the heart as well.
2.(a) RBC has a concentration of about 0.9%  NaCl. 0.1% NaCl solution would be hypotonic (less concentrated) for it. If the cell is put in hypotonic solution, water flows inside the cell because water moves from less concentrated solution to more concentrated solution. As the water moves inside it would cause swelling and finally burst. 
(b) Dried fruit and vegetable contains traces of water. It is an example of highly concentrated solution. If it is kept in water, water will move inside the dried fruit and vegetable. Because movement of water takes place from less concentrated solution to more concentrated solution​. As the dried fruit and vegetable get water it swells up and come to original volume or shape.

  • 17
1.other wise water from rbc will go to salt solutin and rbc can swell and die
2.for rbc,conc salt is 0.09% and so ososis will take place from outside to inside so..
  • -4
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