1 mol of O2 and 2 mol SO2 heated in closed vessel of 1L capacity at 1098 K. At eqb., 1.6 mol of SO3 were found. The eqb constant Kc of rxn is?

Dear Student,

According to the equation, if 2 moles of SO3 are formed, 2 moles of SO2 and 1 mole of O2 are used up. Hence 1.6 moles of SO3 are formed from 1.6 moles of SO2 and 0.8 mole of O2. Therefore,

SO2 left over at equilibrium = 2 - 1.6 = 0.4 mole

O2 left over at equilibrium = 1 - 0.8 = 0.2 mole

At equilibrium [SO2] = 0.4 mole dm-3

[O2] = 0.2 mole dm-3

[SO3] = 1.6 mole dm-3


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