4 ques urgent solve plz

4 ques urgent solve plz A pendulum having m is suspended from the ceiling car used in stunt Mm shooting. The car moves up along an a speed and makes jump to 'be cliff and some distance. Let R bethemavimum height orthe Car from the top of the cliff. The tension in the string the carb in •iris (C) mg — (D) A Of m i' projected at angle a With an initial U. the work done by gravity during the time it reaches its highest point is • COS' a Sun The blocks A and B Shown in the have masses = M. —4kg. Vhe system i' from rest. The of B A has travelled a distance 1 m •king teh incline A bbek of mass m r—t• a rough horiiontal kinetic friction and . ring is in its n •ture when a constant Torre •arts the block. Ebe spring Bree F is • function or F e ( is Spring constant) Image Assume the force p is WORK POWER make block move maximum extension in the spring is B) units m — units 4. S" mg mg A force is applied o particu•. ne work done by the force "hen particle moves from point to po (24.0) as shown in ng. is ((E0.0) 2so A particle is being acted upon by or dimensional conservative force. the F curve Shown, four points A. B. C. D a marked on the curve.State which type equiEbrium is the panicle bau• •t posit"n stable equd&ium B) unstable C) Neutral D) No particle or mass— kg is moving in positive direction or x. Its initial position •O & initial velocity is I The velocit 10 is: (use thegraph given)

Nice question
  • -1
Option C ? If yes I will then post solution
  • 2
Work done by external forces =force *displacement

  • 2
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