60) If 20 ml of 1M HCl solution is exactly neutralised by 10 ml of Ca (OH)2solution, the strength of Ca(OH)2 in grams per litre of the solution is

A) 37 B) 74 C)111 D)148

we can calculate the molarity of Ca(OH)2 using the formula: 
n1M1V1 (HCl) = n​2M2V(Ca(OH)2
n1 (basicity) of HCl = 1
n2 (acidity ) of Ca(OH)2 = 2 
1× 1M × 20mL = 2×M2 × 10
M2 = 1 M
Molarity of Ca(OH)2 = 1 M
Strength = Molar mass × molarity
= 74 gmol-1 × 1 mol L-1
= 74 gL-1

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