A mixture of three miscible liquids is subjected to fractional distillation liquid B is obtained in the receiver flask. The remaining mixture on further fractional distillation, A is left behind in the distillation flask. On the basis of the results, comment on the critical temperatures of A, B and C when they are in gaseous state.

Dear Student,

Fractional distillation is a technique which is used to separate miscible liquid having difference in their boiling point.

Liquid B has low boiling point due to which it vaporises first and obtained in receiver. Since it has lowest boiling point as compared to liquid A and C so it has weaker intermolecular forces than A and C.

On further heating, A remain in the distillation flask, which implies that it has highest boiling point of the three solutions. And have strongest intermolecular forces.

Higher the intermolecular forces higher will be the critical temperature of the liquid. So, order of decreasing order of critical temperature of the liquid is given below :

A > C > B

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