An electric current is passed through electrolytic cells in series one containing Ag(NO3)(aq.) and other H2SO4(aq.). What volume of O2 measured at 25oC and 750mm Hg pressure would be liberated from H2SO4 if

(a) one mole ion of Ag+ is deposited fro AgNO3 solution

(b) 8 x 1022 ions of Ag+ are deposited from AgNO3 solution .

As the cell is connected in series then 

Equivalents of silver deposited = Equivalent of O2 liberated (second law Faraday)

Ag+ + e- → Ag

According the reaction transfer of one mole of electron requires for the deposition of one mole silver. 

equivalent wt. of Ag = Molecular wt. / 1 = 108 g

 a) Equivalent of silver deposited = amt. of silver deposited / eqivalent wt. of silver 

Amt of silver deposited = 1mole(given) = 108 g.

Equivalent of silver deposited = 108/108 = 1

∴Equivalents of oxygen liberated = 1 (second law faraday as mentioned above).

O2 is liberated at anode according to following reaction. 2 H2O→ O2 + 4 H(+) + 4 e(-) 

Since the reaction involves the transfer of 4 electrons then moles of O2 liberated will Equivalents of O2 / 4 = 1/4 = 0.25 moles.

Calculate the volume of oxygen measured produced. Use the ideal gas equation rewritten as V = nRT / P where n = 0.25 mol R = 8.314 JK-1mol-1 T = 273 + 25 = 298 K P = 750 mmHg = 750 / 760 atm = (750 / 760) x 101.3 kPa = 100.1 kPa ∴ V = (0.25 x 8.314 x 298) / 100.1 =6.18  L

b) Amt of silver deposited = 8 x 1022 /6.023 x 10 23 * 108 

Equivalent of silver deposited = 8 x 1022 /6.023 x 10 23 * 108 /108 = 0.13

∴Equivalents of oxygen liberated = 0.13 

moles of O2 liberated will Equivalents of O2 / 4 = 0.13/4 = 0.03

Putting the value in ideal gas equation we get (similar as calculated above)

V = (0.03 x 8.314 x 298) / 100.1 =0.74  L

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