Comprehension 2

Comprehension 2 P a prtxluct given by p • a,) (x Comprehension t t' "e of in the expressiön (2 + x? (3 xp (4 + must be (B) 27 (C) 2B coefficient Of S•AJ in the expression (x — I) (xz — 2) (x' — 3) — 20) must (B) 12 (C) 13 coefficient of x— in the expression of (x — 1 ) (x — 2) (x — 100) must be + 1002 100? — (17+2' +32 + ...+1002) (O) None of mprohønsion 2 f(j) Consider. sum of the series In the given summation. i ;rxfj are indeöerxjent. = i and j are In the sum of series types of terms occur, those when i j. i > j and i e' j.

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