Describe the underlying principle of each of the following processes:?
(ii) Electrolytic refining of crude metal.?
Answer this question in 100-150 words

Dear Student, 

Electrolytic refining of crude metal:
Electrolytic refining is a technique of purifying crude metal to form pure metal by the means of passing electricity. For this, electrolytic cell is set up taking crude metal and pure metal rods as anode and cathode respectively. The electrolyte of this cell is the aqueous solution of salt consisting of cation of same metal with anion such as chloride, sulfate, nitrate etc. When the cell is switched on, the electric current causes the reduction of metal cation of the electrolyte and deposits it on at cathode. On anode, the crude metal gets oxidized to give metal cations in solution while impurities start settling on the base of electrolytic cell. With the passage of electricity, metal from crude metal rod starts getting accumulated on the pure metal rod at cathode. The rod of the impure metal starts dissolving and that of pure metal becomes thick. The impurities initially present in rod at anode, start settling at bottom is termed as anode mud. 

The process can be shown diagrammatically as:


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