Difference between Biodegradable and non biodegradable detergents

Dear Student,

The difference between biodegradable and non-biodegradable are listed below,

1. Biodegradable is referred to all those things that can be easily decomposed by natural agents. Natural agents include water, oxygen, ultraviolet rays of the sun, acid rains, microorganisms, etc. On the other hand non-biodegradable substances are never broken down or decomposed by environmental factors.

2. Biodegradable substances include food waste like vegetable and fruit peels, dead plants and animals, chicken, egg shells, paper materials, garden waste etc. Non-biodegradable things consist of  plastics, polystyrene, metals, plastic and aluminum cans, toxic chemicals, paints, tyres, etc.

3. Biodegradable substances on breaking up are converted into simple organic matter and are thus assimilated in the soil and thus becomes a part of the carbon cycle of the atmosphere. On the contrary, non-biodegradable substances are resistant to the environmental factors and never decompose and instead contribute to majority of the solid waste.

4. Biodegradable substances may decompose within few days or months while non-biodegradable items may take thousands of years or may never ever be broken down and remain in their original form as it is.


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Biodegradable: There is no special technique to reduce the number of biodegradable substances as there are natural agents to carry out decomposition.
 Examples include plant and animal-based materials such as wood, fruits, leaves, meats.

Non-biodegradable: Reduce, recycle and reuse are the solution to reduce the impact of existing non-biodegradable substances.
Examples include scrap metals, toxic chemicals, detergents.

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The essential difference between bio and non-bio detergents is that bio detergents contain certain enzymes that are very effective at cleaning stains. These enzymes serve as a booster technology, designed to break down protein, starches, and fat that are often found in food stains, sweat and other common stains.

The enzymes also work at lower temperatures, so bio detergents are more effective at lower temperatures (30-50°C) than non-bio detergents. If you tend to wash at lower temperatures or use the quick wash cycle on your machine, bio detergents may work better for your family.

Then why use a non-bio detergent? Many people in the UK prefer to use a non-bio if they have particularly sensitive skin. Non-bio detergents contain no enzymes, so there is a reduced risk of irritating sensitive skin, although you may also need to run your wash at higher temperatures for enzymatic stains. This in turn consumes more energy.


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