Expert please answer question number 15,16,17,and 18

Expert please answer question number 15,16,17,and 18 44. o" a cube in m • ts equal to area of the cube tn . The volume of the (d) 196m' 512m (b) 216m' of stmple pendulum is about 100 cm known to have an accuracy Of I mm 2 s by measurmg the tune 100 osollanons usmg a clock of O. I s IS the Ecwacy tn the determ•tned valtR of u ß are t p: the caracrtor ts by -c potenOal difference n•en of B as of (d) P ozo g'. A quantity A is p. q. r and s as given by a percentage error of m p e •e I md 033% respectively. then mnmu.rn percentragc tn A ' &tance moved by the screw ofa wre• 2 mm rn rotations and there are SO divisi«ts When nothing vs put txtween its jaws. divvston of circular scale comctdes v.'lth refererx4 With zero of ctrcular scale lytng above tre reterencc tine. a plate is placed the yaws gale reads 2 and circular scale reads 20 divisions. Thickness of plate is (b) mm (c) i 4 mm (di mm 1.

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