Fill in the blanks by choosing one word from the brackets to make the sentence
meaningfully correct.
8. You _______ not smoke in the hospital. (should/would/must)
9. _______ I use your phone please? (will/may/must)
10. I _______ go on holiday to Australia next year. (should/might/would)
11. I _______ not buy tomatoes. There are plenty of tomatoes in the fridge.
12. I _______ see a doctor. I have a terrible headache. (may/ought to/will)
13. You _______ revise your lessons. (should/can/may)
14. He _______ be very tired. He's been working all day long. (can/will/ought to)

Dear Student

8. should
9. May
10. might
11. need
​​​12. ought to
13. should
14. will


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