Find the number of terms in the expansion:

(1+2x+x2)20 = (1+x)2

so , ((1+x)2)20 = (1+x)40

so from binomial expansion ,we have

40c0 x40 +40c1 x39 .............40c40 x0

so total terms in the expansion will be 41.

(40 terms will be there from 40c1 to 40c40 + 1 term 40c0 so total terms will be 41)

  • 34
Thank You. :)
  • -1
actually answer given is 21 not 41
  • -2
I am with ur answer but the reference book have given answer as 21
  • -2
Tes the answer 41 is right
  • 6
Both the answer 21 and 41 is correct
  • 1
What are you looking for?