how many squares are there in a chess board?

64 squares

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8 * 8 = 36

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y u wanna know!

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no even i dont know the answer but i wanted to know

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becz some one ask me this question

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There are 204 squares in CHESS BOARD......  Its a question of Combinations..... Apply, n(2n +1)(n+1) / 6 .....Put n = 8 .....

YOu will get 204 squares !!!.....

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There are a total of 1!+2!+3!+4!+5!+6!+7!+8! = 46233 squares!!

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There are 8 squares in a row and 8 squares in a coloumn.

So, to find total number of squares, we do

8 X 8 = 64 squares

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i only know tht its more than 64 so those who said that the ans is 64 the r absltly wrng.....

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12+22+32.......82  =204

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Hey, Karan? Have you ever seen a chess board?

I have it in my home and am the champian of it.

So if you want to know, it is 64 onlty  :P

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hey u foollll cnt u see thr if we combine 2-2,3-3,4-4..... blocks n thn count... vl we ge the same ans...

i thnk u hv never seen the chess board whch is at yr home... :P :P 

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 n i thnk u r just a foooolll nt d chmpn..... :P

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If I would have never seen the chess board, then how could i be the CHAMPIAN of it ?

I think you are just not using your brain which god has given you. [ that also i doubt ]

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get lost...... n rmbr 1 thng tht u r a biggg foooollllll...

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 n i grntee tht u hv nvr seen d chess board... cz if u hv rly seen it u wnt objct ma ans....

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i dont know what your answer is and how the hell that ans got into your mind!!!!

type chessboard on your screen and just count the blocks on it.

it is 64

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12+22+32.......82 =204 thts ma ans..... jst chk on google wthr ma ans is correctt or ma ans is correct......

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which formula have you used, i just dont no.

and why should i check it on google if i know the answer.

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 and i know that you dont know the answer as this question was your doubt, not mine

So you have to ask for correct ans. not force them to accept your wrong ans.


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get lost.....

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n dnt cmnt on ma ans...

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So if you really knew the ans, why did you actually asked the question

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 That shows your stupidity

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 That what a ----- ----- ----- you really are : P

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Hey gyes, why are you using this cyte to fight with each other???

but still i agree with Shaily D that a chess board has 64 squares.

But Karan, you are also right as you are talking about hou many combinations can be formed using the chess board squares.


So now, both of you, stop fighting and be friends with each other.


cherss :)

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ok Karan, i am sooooo sorry

actually didnt knew what you actually ment to ask.

of course, that way your ans is correct bou my answer was also not wrong!

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its kkk... 

n shaily i really was not knwing d ans so i asked bt the exprts were nt gvng d ans for long... so i jst searched it on google n got the ans...

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