how phenol is oxidised to benzoquionone . write the mechanism ?

Phenol in presence of oxidising agents such as chromic acid (Na2Cr2O7) or silver oxide(Ag2O) undergoes oxidation to give hydroquinone or catechol depending upon the oxidising agent used which further oxidises to give p-benzoquinone or o-benzoquinone.

For example, Phenol is oxidised to 1,4-benzoquinone with chromic acid in the presence of concentrated sulphuric acid.

Mechanism is as follows:

  • In the first step, Deprotonation of phenol leads to phenoxide ion which is transformed into a phenoxy radical by a one-electron oxidation. p-phenoxy adical will transform into hydroquinone.






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by friedal crafts acylation

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it is friedal crafts acylation!!!!!!!!!!

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The redox process hydroquinone - quinone can be seen as a sequence of proton and electron transfers.  In the first step, deprotonation leads to a phenoxide ion which is transformed into a phenoxy radical by a one-electron oxidation. Dissociation of the second OH group generates the radical anion semiquinone followed by a second one-electron oxidation to give benzoquinone.  All intermediates are resonance stabilized.  Similar redox processes are frequently observed  in nature. 

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