Q=write the sum of the coffeicients in the expansion of (1-3x+ x2 )111 .Ans=(-1)

Q2=If a and b denote the sum of coefficients in the expansions of (1-3x-+10x2 )n and (1+x)2 respectively ,then write the relation b/w a and b.Ans= a=b3 .


Given, expansion = (1-3x + x2)111 .... (1)

= (1 + (x2 - 3x))111

Now, in order to find out the sum of the coefficients, we had an hit and trial method i.e., to put the value of x = 1 in (1)

⇒ sum of coefficients = (1-3(1) + (1)2)111 = (-1)111 = -1



Given expansions are, (1 - 3x + 10x2 )n and (1 + x2)n

Now, the sum of coefficient of the expansion  (1 - 3x + 10x2 )n = a = (1 - 3(1) + 10(1)2 )n 

⇒ a = 8n = 23n  ..... (1)

Similarly, sum of coefficients of the expansions (1 + x2)n = b = (1 + (1)2)n = 2n

⇒ b = 2n  .... (2)

On comparing (1) and (2), we get

a = b3  

  • 16




Q2)-3,10 and 1

  • 3
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