Ans i will post..
But once pls check the mistake in my soln

Q5. Ans i will post.. But once pls check the mistake in my soln V uogoos ssouo JO eoav 'fllp.on.10A poot?ldsyp s! Japu!lKo •spmb!l JO s! pua tuonoq uoyus•od tunwq!unbo Pup ld som . .suop JO spynb!l OlCIPS!tutt1! 0M) V SSOIOJO ea.le 'd Kusuop '1 t/1fiU01J0 010d 'v' •S

Dear Student ,

The motion of the cylinder is simple harmonic but no symmetric about the equilibrium position. When the cylinder is below from mean position the restoring force is from the lower liquid. When the cylinder is above mean position the restoring force is due to the upper liquid only. therefore the time period of the resulting motion is the sum of the half of the time period due to each part.

Please find the solution in the Posted image.

I hope you find the solution helpful.

We at Meritnation are always happy to help you.

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Wats wrong here?!?

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