question from ncert class 12th part one chapter 9 coordination compounds   In coordination isomers is it mandatory that interchanging ligands should have same number of atoms  for eg  1)  In [CO(NH3)6] [Cr(CN)6] both the ligands have 6 atoms   2)[CrCl6][Co(H2O)6] here also both the ligands have 6 atoms 

Dear Student 

Yes, it is necessary that interchanging of ligands in coordination isomers involved the same number of atoms, like in example -
[Pt(NH3)4] [Pt Cl6] and ​[Pt(NH3)3Cl] [Pt(NH3)Cl5]

It is necessary that the two compounds involved have the same number and type of atoms but they can have different numbers and types of chemical bonds.

I hope it is clear now.


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