Sole qs 1&

Sole qs 1& frozen to ice = 200 62 38-71 g PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE Normal freezing point oi a solvent is I SOC. A O•.S molal solution of urea in the above solvent •reenng pornt depression ot two degrees. Calculate the molal depression constant. . Calculate the tetnperature at which a solution containing 54 g of glucose (C6H1206) in 250 g Of water (CBSE freeze (Kit-or water = 1-80 K rnol-l kg) Water is used in car radiators. In winter season, ethylene glycol is added to water so that water may freeze. Assuming ethylene glycol to be non-volatile, calculate the minimum amount Of ethylene glycol must be added to kg of water to prevent it from freezing at — molal depression constant c/' water is I •86 K}m. Ihvo aqueous solutions, containing respectively g of urea (mol. Wt. = 60) and 42•75 g sut*tarwe Xii I (K) g of water freeze at the same temperature. Calculate the molar mass Of X. Pure solvent A has freenng point 16•.SØC. On dissolving g of B in 200 g of A. the solution freezzsä 16.4"C and on dissolving 2 24 g 01 C in g of A. the solution has freezing point of If the tnolaa mass ot B is 74 g mol what us the molar mass of C at - 0-20C. What is the molality oi the solution ? Determine also (1) An aqueous solution lowertng of vapour pressure 298 K. given that I •860 kg mol¯l. Kb the boiling point rnolv-! and vapour pressure ot water at 298 K is 2.3056 mm. 7. 68•4 g oi sugar (tnoiecular weight 342) is dißoived in 1000 g of water. What is (a) freezU* boiling po.nt (c) vapouv pressure 20"C.• {d) osmotic pressure of the solution at ? The denity solution at 200t- is i 024 vapour ptessure of water at 200C is 17,633 mm. The Krand for water are I •81.3* and 0•.St6D restrctively. (Assim Bo.ré S. 9. 13. S 4.

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