The correct order of acidic character is
(1) P4O10 > P4O6
(2) N2O5 > N2O3
(3) N2O3 > P4O6
(4) All of these
Answer is (4). Could you please explain why? And please explain each order? Thanks.

Dear Student,

Acidic character of an oxide of element decreases with the decrease in oxidation state.
(1) Oxidation state of P in P4O10= +5
 Oxidation state of P in P4O6= +3
Since P in ​P4O10 has higher oxidation state, therefore has more acidity.

(2)​Oxidation state of N in N2O5= +5
 Oxidation state of N in N2O3= +3
Since N in ​N2O5 has higher oxidation state, therefore has more acidity.

(3)Now, as we go down the group, acidity of an oxide decreases. This is because on going down a group, atomic size increases, electronegativity decreases and hence metallic character increases. Therefore, ​N2O3 is more acidic than ​P4O6

Hence, the correct answer is (4)

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