the density of the stretched string is changed by 2% without change in tension and radius. the change in transverse wave velocity is ? (ans : 1% increase or decrease)  

Dear Student,

Please find below the solution to the asked query:

Equation for the transverse wave velocity in a stretched string is,

V=Tμ  V=TρA
If tension and radius (area) are constant. Then the transverse wave velocity depends on the density as,

Here, the change in density is 2%. Which is  < 5%. Therefore, the change in transverse wave velocity is,

VV=12ρρ  VV×100=12ρρ×100 VV×100=122%  VV×100=1%

Therefore, the percentage change in transverse wave velocity is 1%. This may be increase or decrease, depends on the nature of change of density.


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