The distance between the center of carbon and oxygen atoms in CO(carbon monoxide) is 1.12*10^-10 A . Find the centre of mass of the molecule relative to Carbon atom is ?

Hi! Badangi,
The distance between carbon and oxygen atoms in CO is 1.12 10-10 m (= 1.12A0).
Given, distance between the atoms (x2) = 1.12 A0
Mass of carbon atom (m1) = 12
Mass of oxygen atom (m2) = 16
Consider, the situation when C-atom is located at origin, it is assumed this way because, center of mass has to be calculated with respect to C-atom.


  • 34

Is the answer : -

0.51 *10^-10 A

  • 3

 thank u buddy.

  • 1
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